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Important Rule Changes - 2022 Season


  • The entry book will only be opened at 2.00 in the pro shop (1st group to start at 3.00)

  • Persistent non diners will be ejected from the League at the discretion of the organizers

  • The guest policy is limited to visiting friends of ‘full members’ with official handicap only

  • Birdie 2’s will be awarded a sleeve of balls, over dinner, throughout the season.

  • Membership of the League will be closed after week 10 to new members

  • Nearest the pin prize each week - Sleeve of balls kindly sponsored by Ravenscroft

  • Pro shop vouchers for 1st, 2nd, 3rd Individual - Note player must have Competition handicap to win voucher

  • 1st and 2nd teams receive sleeves of balls - Kindly sponsored by Ravenscroft


Teams and singles stableford competitions


Players to be put in teams of 3 as they arrive at the Pro shop. They will score individual stableford points and team stableford with the best individual score on each hole counting. Individual results will be allocated points each week as follows:


  • 6 points for the winner

  • 5 points for second place

  • 4 points for third place

  • 3 points for a top third finish

  • 2 points for a middle third finish

  • 1 point for a bottom third finish


An individual’s top 8 finishes will be taken as his score for the cumulative result. Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 league places at the end of the season. In the event of a tie - the best 9th, 10th, 11th etc round will determine the league placing. Handicaps will be officially adjusted after each round played. Team results will be a separate competition and each individual within the team will receive cumulative points as above. An individual’s top 8 team points will be taken as his score for the cumulative result to determine the best team player. Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 league places at the end of the season. In the event of a tie - the best 9th, 10th, 11th etc round will determine the league placing. Any late starting teams going out as 2-balls will receive a 3-point start for the team event Reasonable efforts should be made by the participants to vary the teams each week


Texas Scramble Rules.


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